Can You Convert YouTube Live Streams To MP3?

Ytmp3 – YouTube content creators often give live-streaming content to their subscribers. It helps them to get closer to their subscribers. Plus, the content is less formal compared to edited content. Due to this reason, you may want to convert a live-streaming YouTube video to other formats, such as an MP3 format.

Can you convert YouTube live streams to MP3? Yes, you can as long as you are using the Ytmp3 converter. You can also learn more on how to automatically convert YouTube subscriptions to MP3 here.

Ensure that Content Creators Save Their Live Stream Videos

One of the most important things to consider before converting YouTube live-streaming videos is that the content creators save it. It means that the live-streaming video is available on the list of their channel. Ensuring this thing is critical since you must get the link to the live streaming video before continuing to the conversion process.

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Get the Link to the Live Streaming Videos

Say you have passed the first criteria to convert a YouTube live-streaming video to MP3 format. Get the link to the live-streaming videos to continue to the next step. Go to the YouTube browser bar and right-click on your mouse.

You will see several options on the pop-up menu. Click the copy option to get the link to the live-streaming video. Alternatively, you can block the link on the YouTube browser.

Then, hold the Ctrl + C buttons together. This instruction is the way to copy the link of the live-streaming video you want to convert to MP3.

Visit Ytmp3 Converter

Now, open a new browser and visit the Ytmp3 converter at Find the converting bar on the homepage of this website. Right-click your mouse on the converting bar and choose the paste option to put the copied link to it. You can also use Ctrl + V to paste the copied YouTube live-stream video to the conversion bar.

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Start the Video Converting Process

In this step, you only have to focus on the converting button on the right side of the convert bar. It is a button with a green color. Hit this button to let the system start the video-converting process. The system will ask you to fill in specific points, such as the file format and quality of the converted file.

Since this article is about to answer can you convert YouTube live streams to MP3? It means that you must choose MP3 as the new format. Then, select the best quality of the converted file just like you want.

The higher the quality, the better the audio quality. At the same time, the converting process may take a longer time compared to converting it to a lower quality.

Wait For the Converting Process and Enjoy It

The last thing to do is wait for the system to convert your YouTube live-streaming video into an MP3 format. Ensure that the process is done before checking the result on the gallery of your device. That’s it! you have your favorite YouTube live-streaming video in an MP3 format you can enjoy offline now.

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So, can you convert YouTube live streams to MP3? Yes, you can! The most important thing is that you are following the requirements and steps above, especially if using the Ytmp3 converter to do it.